Tuesday, July 27, 2010

~ Decoration Sketches ~

Here are a few decoration sketches I painted for different jobs. I've always found decoration and ornament really interesting and beautiful. In the early days, prior to 1900, artists looked to things that surrounded them for inspiration. What surrounded people back in those days was nature. It was a simpler time as the artists looked at natural forms like shells, plants and flowers, growth patterns of roots and trees as inspiration for decoration and ornament. All decoration generally evolved from these natural forms and are still used today for decoration. A simpler time indeed, perhaps we are missing some of that in our modern era.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Current mural project.

Here is a mural project I'm currently working on. It's a large, (46' by 6') Hawaiian landscape mural and it is currently in progress, perhaps maybe half way finished. I started this mural about a month ago. However during that time I had hired a plaster company to smooth out the wall surface, since it originally had a stucco finish which obscures the details of the painting. Also I had a builder make the scaffold that goes across the pool. So basically I've been actually painting only for about three weeks. I'm doing a time lapse video of the entire project, start to finish. I did another time lapse of a big ceiling mural about two years ago, and you can see it on my website under the (Media) section ~ www.ebgallery.com . I will post more photos as this mural project progresses!

The journey starts here, welcome to Bart's Blog!

Well, here we are at my first posting on Bart's Blog. A few friends have suggested that I start a blog that pool together my various interests in one place. I have many interests, too many actually, and I am constantly researching and following up on stuff that I like. My friends know me as a professional artist. I've been painting murals and fine art with my own business since my first mural back in 1993. My website is located here... www.ebgallery.com There are many exquisite examples of my work to be seen at that site. On the other hand, I have much interest in scientific related things, and I'm some what of a mad scientist either building, breaking, or hacking things together. Really the art and mad scientist side of my interests are interwoven because they both generally involve making or building things. I hope to add stuff on here showing everyone my current projects. I hope you might find something of interest to you on here. If you like my blog, please link to it, tell your friends... After all I made this for you! Enjoy!